2023-2024 Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2023-2024 Student Handbook [Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Incomplete Grades

  1. An incomplete “IP” grade may be requested by a student and given by an instructor only if a minimum of 75 percent of all semester class work, especially where laboratory work is involved, has been satisfactorily completed in the judgment of the instructor, whose decision is final. Consequently, an “IP” grade may not be assigned at mid-semester.
  2. The student must have a passing grade in the judgment of the instructor when the request is made and before approval can be given.
  3. In requesting an “IP” grade, a student automatically waives the right to request or to receive a withdrawal “W” grade or an “AU” audit grade at a later date.
  4. A student should not register again for the same course until a final grade is assigned and wants to repeat the course for a better grade.
  5. To complete the necessary class work, the student and instructor must sign a written contract defining the work that must be completed to finish the course. The student, the instructor, and the associate and/or academic dean should receive copies of the signed contract. The same instructor who assigned the “IP” must initiate the grade change.
  6. The timeline for resolving incomplete academic work is to be negotiated between the student and the instructor but may not exceed a time period of the mid-semester date the following semester (fall = spring mid-semester, spring and summer = fall mid-semester). At the end of this deadline, based on the judgment of the instructor whose decision is final, a change of grade will be issued by the instructor to the Registrar’s Office.
  7. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange with the instructor for completion of all unfinished work, once an instructor has agreed to assign an “IP” grade at the end of the semester.
  8. Incomplete grades must be submitted on the final grade roster.
  9. An ‘IP’ grade may be replaced with a passing grade provided the student satisfactorily completes the coursework as stipulated by the instructor. Summer session work must be completed by mid- semester of the following fall semester. If a grade change form is not submitted by the instructor, the “IP” grade will revert to an “F” grade at the end of the semester.