2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Disciplinary Proceedings

The Disciplinary Authority

The National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees charges the President with the responsibility of maintaining appropriate standards for student conduct.

The President of National Park College has delegated the disciplinary function to the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students.

The Dean of Students has the responsibility to initiate, implement, and supervise the disciplinary process for students. In the event of a conflict of interest, the Vice President for Student Affairs may assign these duties to another individual as designated by the College President.

The Board of Trustees authorizes the President, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Dean of Students, and the members of the Student Discipline Committee to expel, dismiss, suspend, place limitations on continued attendance and/or levy other penalties in order to maintain appropriate standards of student conduct. This policy does not include academic sanctions defined in Policy Number 6.300.

Discipline Committee Assignment

At the beginning of each Spring Semester, the Dean of Students shall submit for the approval of the President nominees for the Student Discipline Committee.

The Student Discipline Committee shall be composed of twelve people: six faculty members and six students. A quorum will consist of a minimum of four students and four faculty.

Purpose of the Discipline Committee

The primary aim of the student disciplinary procedures is to redirect student behavior toward the achievement of academic goals or the adjudication of possible disciplinary sanctions.

Possible disciplinary sanctions may be necessary as defined in the later section of this document.

Disciplinary Procedure and Due Process for Non-Serious Infractions of the Student Code of Conduct

Procedural due process for non-serious infractions does not provide for legal representation, a public hearing, confrontation, cross-examination of witnesses, self-incrimination, or any of the remaining features of federal criminal jurisprudence. The following procedural guidelines are established for the handling of non-serious disciplinary matters:

The student shall be notified by the Dean of Students that he/she is charged with violating a regulation, that there is an initial five-day fact-finding process, and that he/she may be sanctioned until further action is taken to dispose the charge. This informal process will be held in the office of the Dean of Students or the Vice President for Student Affairs and will include the student, the Dean, and the Vice President. Other college personnel, with knowledge of the matter, may be requested to attend the hearing.

Upon completion of the fact-finding process, an administrative decision will be made. The student will be notified in writing of the decision of the Dean of Students and/or a designate, within five (5) school days.

The student may appeal this decision to the Student Discipline Committee, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the notice of the decision. If the student does not appeal within 30 days, the administrative decision is rendered final.

Possible Disciplinary Sanctions for Non-Serious Infractions of the Student Code of Conduct

Educational Sanctions - papers, counseling, alcohol/drug evaluations, tasks, or series of tasks that are educational in nature and/or serve to benefit the group or community at large.

Reprimand -

     a. Oral Reprimand - an oral disapproval issued to the student by a person designated;

     b. Written Reprimand - a written statement of disapproval prepared by a designated person

Restitution - Compensation for loss or damage incurred to NPC or a member/guest of the College community.

Disciplinary Probation (with or without sanctions) - Notice that further breach of conduct, as specified, may result in suspension or loss of privileges as may be consistent with the offense committed. The period of probation shall be specified in the decision.

Probated Suspension - Notice that further convictions of major offenses, as specified, may result in suspension. The period of probation shall be specified in the decision.

Disciplinary Procedure and Due Process for Serious Infractions of the Student Code of Conduct

Serious violations in which the sanctions of Suspension or Expulsion may be levied will be adjudicated following an enhanced procedure. Procedural due process will be afforded by way of adequate notice, definite charge, and an opportunity for a hearing to present one’s own side of the case. Students accused of serious violations will have the following disciplinary rights and be subject to the following procedure:

  • Student will receive a copy of the procedure that will be followed
  • Student has a right to a live hearing, but may waive the right to be present at the hearing
  • Student will have reasonable, continuing access to the administrative file that pertains to the student’s allegation at least 7 business days before a disciplinary hearing
  • Student has a right to be represented by an attorney or a non-attorney advocate, which may fully participate in proceedings and which will be arranged by and paid for by the student
  • Student has the right to make opening and closing statements and to present relevant evidence
  • Student’s attorney or non-attorney advocate may cross-examine adverse witnesses
  • Student has the right to appeal NPC’s initial decision to an institutional employee or body that did not make the decision
  • Appeal must be filed within 25 days after the notice of decision-NPC may designate the appellate entity as the final authority
  • Student’s attorney or non-attorney advocate may fully participate until the conclusion of the appellate process

The procedures listed above will be followed when possible sanctions for alleged serious violations of the NPC Student Code of Conduct may include:

Interim Suspension - is a suspension that may be imposed based upon fact finding that shows the student’s continued presence within the campus environment constitutes a danger to property, to himself/herself, or to others. The student will be given notice of the reason for the interim suspension.

Suspension - Temporary severance of the student’s relationship with NPC for a specified period of time. The period of time is to be specified in the decision.

Probated Expulsion - Notice that further convictions of major offenses, as specified in the decision, may result in expulsion.

Expulsion - Permanent severance of the student’s relationship with NPC.

NPC Board Policy Number: 6.310