2015-2016 Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2015-2016 Student Handbook [Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Moving on to a Career

NPC has services that can help prepare you for applying and securing your dream job.

Keep The Lines of Communication with Your Program Director Open

Employers tend to contact their counterparts at NPC and inquire as to which students would be a “good fit” for their company. So, the first rule of thumb is to keep the line of communication with your program director open. Let them know the aspects of your career you enjoy the most, where you plan to locate after graduation, and type of work environment you desire. Then your program director can share with you job leads as he/she receives them.

Career Services

Career assessment, resume and job interview information, employment referral, and service learning activities are all available through NPC Career Services. The Career Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Gerald Fisher Campus Center, room 211. Services are available at no cost to NPC students. Internet access is available and job referrals are listed daily on the Career Services website at np.edu/careerservices.

Career Services also sponsors community events on campus including Job Fairs, employer recruiting visits, workshops, and other activities.

Service learning activities are coordinated through the center and information is available about community organizations that are seeking volunteer assistance.

Information about job placement statistics of NPC graduates is located on the web site. For additional information you may contact Career Services at 760-4243.


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